Rank | Guild | Leader | Players | Dungeon | Guild Score | 1 | BigBabol | Rey619 | 185 | The Shrine of Palmir Plateau 1 | 3482 | 2 | Crimson | KUKUUUU | 148 | Relics of Arid Moonlight 2 | 2792 | 3 | ALaCarteL | Noligales | 69 | Relics of Arid Moonlight 1 | 2626 | 4 | Reviac | AmonRa | 67 | Temple of Lost Souls | 1967 | 5 | Asgard | G1peR1on | 36 | Temple of the Ancients | 1940 | 6 | Lacoste | Lemon4ik | 12 | Temple of the Exile | 1574 | 7 | Paradox | СуньХуйВчай | 54 | 1126 | 8 | WarriorsOfLight | IHaveNothingToSay | 46 | 601 | 9 | MarsFM | Самбука | 86 | 600 | 10 | Altercation | Staria | 6 | 549 |